Day 57: Ansible Hands-on with Video


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Day 57: Ansible Hands-on with Video

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Today, let's embark on an exciting journey into the world of Ansible through a hands-on video tutorial! ๐ŸŽฌโœจ

Video Link:

Task 01: Exploring Ansible Installation and Setup

  1. Create an EC2 Instance: Launch a new EC2 instance on AWS to serve as our Ansible master node.

  2. Connect via SSH: Access your EC2 instance using SSH to establish a connection.

  3. Add Ansible PPA Repository: Add the Ansible PPA repository to your system using the command:

    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible

  4. Update and Install Ansible: Update the package list and install Ansible using the following commands:

    sudo apt update

    sudo apt install ansible

  5. Verify Ansible Version: Confirm the successful installation of Ansible by checking its version:

    ansible --version

  6. Launch Additional EC2 Instances: Create two new EC2 instances with the same private key as the Ansible master node.

  7. Configure SSH Access: Copy the private key to the Ansible master server and set up SSH access to the new instances.

  8. Create Inventory File: Set up an inventory file for Ansible by creating a hosts file inside the ansible folder. Add the IP addresses of the new servers to the hosts file.

  9. Verify Inventory: Use the ansible-inventory command to verify the inventory of hosts:

    ansible-inventory --list -y -i /path/to/inventory-file

  10. Ping Command Test: Test connectivity to the new nodes by running a ping command using Ansible.

  11. Resolve SSH Authentication Issues: If encountering SSH authentication errors, ensure correct permissions on the private key file and specify the private key file path in the Ansible command:

    ansible -i /path/to/inventory-file all -m ping --private-key=/path/to/private-key

Additional Ad-hoc Commands

  • Check Memory Usage:

    ansible -i /path/to/inventory-file all -a "free -m" --private-key=/path/to/private-key

  • Check Uptime:

    ansible -i /path/to/inventory-file all -a uptime --private-key=/path/to/private-key

By following these steps and exploring Ansible in action, you'll gain invaluable insights into automation and configuration management. Stay tuned for more hands-on sessions and unleash the full potential of Ansible in your infrastructure management journey! ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ”ง #DevOps #Ansible #Automation #ConfigurationManagement #HandsOnTutorial ๐Ÿš€โ˜๏ธ

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