Day 2 : Basics of Linux Commands ๐Ÿงโœจ

Day 2 : Basics of Linux Commands ๐Ÿงโœจ


3 min read

Welcome to Day 2 of our Linux journey where we dive into the fundamental commands that power the heart of many servers, systems, and software around the world. Linux commands might seem daunting at first, but once you get the hang of it, they become second nature. Let's get started! ๐Ÿš€

Understanding Your Environment ๐Ÿงญ

Before we start tinkering with the system, it's crucial to understand where we are. Here's how you can get your bearings in Linux:

  • Check your present working directory: To know exactly where you are in the vast filesystem, use the pwd command. It stands for "Print Working Directory."

  • List all the files and directories, including hidden ones: The ls command is your lens to view the contents of your directory. Spice it up with flags for detailed views:

    ls -l # Long list format with detailed information

    ls -a # All files, including hidden ones

    ls *.sh # Files with .sh extension

    ls -i # Files with index numbers (inodes)

    ls -d */ # Only directories

Creating Structure in Chaos ๐Ÿ—๏ธ

Organizing your files and directories is a breeze once you get to grips with these commands:

  • Create a nested directory structure A/B/C/D/E: Building a hierarchy of directories can be done with a single line:

    mkdir -p A/B/C/D/E

This command uses the -p flag to create parent directories as needed.

Basics of Navigation ๐Ÿงญ

Moving around in your filesystem is just like navigating through the rooms of your house:

  • Jump to the home directory: Feeling homesick? cd will take you back.

    cd ~ # Home sweet home cd # Also takes you home

  • Go back to the previous directory: Made a mistake? No worries, backtrack with:

    cd - # Previous location, here I come

  • Move up the directory tree: Need a broader view? Climb up with ...

    cd .. # One level up cd ../.. # Two levels up

Creation and Organization ๐Ÿ“‚โœจ

Creating and managing directories is a fundamental skill. Let's put it to practice:

  • Creating a single directory: To create a new directory named "newFolder":

    mkdir newFolder

  • Creating multiple directories: Need more than one? Do it in a go:

    mkdir A B C D

  • Creating a hidden directory: Sneaky! Preface it with a dot:

    mkdir .NewFolder

  • Creating directories in a specific location: Specify the path:

    mkdir /home/user/MyDirectory

Conclusion ๐ŸŽ“

Mastering these basic Linux commands sets you on a path to becoming proficient with this powerful operating system. Remember, practice makes perfect, so open up your terminal and start typing away! ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ก

Stay tuned for more Linux adventures in the upcoming days! #LinuxBasics #DevOpsJourney

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