Day 17 Task: Crafting a Dockerized Web Application 🐳✨

Day 17 Task: Crafting a Dockerized Web Application 🐳✨


2 min read

Hello, DevOps dynamos! Today's #90daysofdevops challenge was exhilarating! I rolled up my sleeves and got my hands Docker-deep in containerizing a web application. 🌐

The Magic of Dockerfile πŸ“œ

I kicked off my day by crafting a Dockerfile, the blueprint for building Docker images. It's like a recipe, outlining each step to package my web app into a container.

Here's a sneak peek into what my Dockerfile adventure entailed:

Writing the Dockerfile πŸ–‹οΈ

  • Started with a base image: For my Django app, python:3.8-slim was a perfect start.

  • Crafted the steps:

    • Set a working directory: WORKDIR /app

    • Copied the project files into the image: COPY . /app

    • Installed the dependencies: RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

    • Exposed the port the app runs on: EXPOSE 8000

    • Defined the command to start the server: CMD ["python", "", "runserver", ""]

Building the Image πŸ—οΈ

  • Ran docker build -t my-django-app . to transform my Dockerfile into a runnable image.

  • Watched the build process closely, ensuring each step was executed without hiccups.

Running the Container πŸš€

  • Used docker run -d -p 8000:8000 my-django-app to breathe life into my image, creating a container.

  • The -d flag meant it ran in the background, and -p connected the container port to my host.

Ensuring Everything's Shipshape πŸ–₯️

  • Navigated to http://localhost:8000 on my browser and was greeted by my Django app's welcome page.

  • It was alive! The application responded to my requests, just as it would in its natural server habitat.

Docking the Image on Docker Hub πŸ“€

  • I tagged my image with docker tag my-django-app username/my-django-app:latest.

  • Pushed it to Docker Hub with docker push username/my-django-app:latest.

  • Now, my container was not just on my machine but out in the world for others to pull and use!

Wrapping Up the Day's Voyage πŸ—ΊοΈ

Today, Docker demystified, I feel like a true DevOps Engineer, ready to containerize the digital worldβ€”one Dockerfile at a time. Stay tuned for more DevOps adventures and mishaps! #Day17 #DevOpsProject #DockerizeAllTheThings #Containerization #DockerHub πŸ³πŸš€

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